My graduate student Alex Cress will be presenting his research on stochastic fracture of fused deposition modeled (3D printed) ABS in Materials Science & Technology 2016, Salt Lake City, UT. Here are the details of the conference:
Effect of Build Parameters on the Variation in Mechanical Properties of Fused Deposition Modeled ABS: Alex Cress1; Ozgur Keles1; 1San Jose State University
The increasing use of consumer grade fused deposition modeling (FDM) has begun to decentralize the manufacturing of consumer products. Consumer level filament extruders and recycling systems have the potential to restructure the life cycle of consumer plastics as a whole. However, the mechanical reliability of FDM produced parts is unclear. In order to quantify this reliability, tensile tests were performed on over 300 FDM printed ABS samples, with at least 30 samples for each set. Weibull analysis was then used to quantify the variation in mechanical properties. The Weibull modulus, a key parameter which relates failure probability to fracture stress, was found to range from 20 to 69, showing as much variation in fracture strength as engineered ceramics. Possible processing improvements will be discussed, as well as ongoing research directed at determining the mechanical reliability and Weibull modulus of parts printed with recycled ABS filament.
Recent Development in Additive Manufacturing: Process and Equipment Development and Applications: Defects, Inspection and Prediction of Quality in Additive Manufacturing
Program Organizers: Jing Zhang, Indiana University – Purdue University Indianapolis; Balraj Mani, New Jersey Institute of Technology; Johannes Homa, Lithoz GmbH; Kim Brand, 3D Parts Manufacturing, LLC; Xinghua Yu, Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Yeongil Jung, Changwon National University; Nuggehalli Ravindra, New Jersey Institute of Technology
Wednesday 2:00 PM
October 26, 2016
Room: 258
Location: Salt Palace Convention Center
Session Chair: Nuggehalli Ravindra, New Jersey Institute of Technology; Jing Zhang, Indiana University – Purdue University Indianapolis
Posted 13th August 2016 by Ozgur Keles