New paper on Mechanical Reliability of Fused Deposition Modeled Polymers and Composites

Mechanical reliability of fused deposition modeled polymers and composites

Özgür Keleş* and Eric H. Anderson*

* Biomedical, Chemical and Materials Engineering Department, San Jose State University San Jose, CA, 95192, USA; [email protected]

Fused deposition modeling (FDM) is the most widely- used additive manufacturing technique for the production of cost-effective polymers and composites. FDM offers design flexibility over the traditional manufacturing techniques. Local structure can also be con- trolled through selective deposition of extruded mate- rial. Therefore, porous materials can be produced with desired porosity level, pore pattern, and pore size via FDM. Porous materials are lightweight and can be de- signed to introduce functionality, such as heat/mass trans- port and translucency. However, FDMed materials inherently contain inter-bead pores, which cause variations in mechanical properties and lower mechanical re- liability. Here, we discuss the origins of the reliability in FDMed materials. We also report the effect of raster orientation and Bouligand structure on FDMed ABS containing a single hole and patterned pores. 

Figure: Effect of raster orientation on the fracture plane for specimens with and without the hole. Width of the specimens is 27 mm. 

Journal: TechConnect Briefs
Volume: 4Informatics, Electronics and Microsystems: TechConnect Briefs 2018
Published: May 13, 2018
Pages: 126 – 129
Industry sector: Advanced Materials & Manufacturing
Topics: 3D Printing

ISBN: 978-0-9988782-1-8 
Posted 13th May 2018 by Ozgur Keles
Categories: Uncategorized