New presentation at ASME Santa Clara Valley Section, 12/10/20, 7 pm

ASME Santa Clara Valley Section Tech Talk
Title: Multi-scale additive manufacturing of reliable hierarchical composites
Ozgur Keles, Ph.D. 
Assistant Professor
Chemical and Materials Engineering Department
San Jose State University, San Jose, CA 95192
Abstract: Economic growth demands better products; hence, better materials. Specifically, product space in biomedical, aerospace, and automotive industries requires materials that are multi-functional, lightweight, reliable, and tough. The most common additive manufacturing technique—fused filament fabrication (FFF)—offers novel ways to process the materials of the next-generation products. However, the mechanical reliability of fused filament fabricated (FFFed) composites and polymers are as low as technical ceramics. This low reliability limits their use in critical applications. In this talk, I explain the origins of the low reliability in the FFFed short-carbon-fiber-reinforced composites. I will discuss how we can control material structure from nano- to macro-scale to increase the mechanical properties and mechanical reliability of FFFed composites. Defect elimination using our novel vibration-assisted fused filament fabrication (VA-FFF) technique and biomimetic structure design will be introduced. 
Bio: Dr. Keles is an Assistant Professor of Chemical and Materials Engineering at San Jose State University. He is also the co-director of the Advanced Manufacturing Laboratory at San Jose State University. Dr. Keles received his B.S. and M.S. degrees from the Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering at Middle East Technical University, and his Ph.D. in Materials Engineering from Purdue University in 2013. His work on the deviations from Weibull statistics in porous ceramics was highlighted at the Gordon Research Conferences and awarded by the American Ceramic Society. His current research interests are additive manufacturing, multi-scale structure control, materials informatics, and engineering education. In 2019, Dr. Keles was selected as the advisor of the year at SJSU for his contributions to materials student clubs. He is also a photographer and digital artist who uses aesthetically appealing images and computer visualizations to improve student engagement, to aid student learning, and to foster creativity in engineering students. His work at the intersection of engineering, education, and arts was highlighted in The Journal of The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS).
Simulations by Dr. Alp Karakoc.
Posted 2nd December 2020 by Ozgur Keles
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